BIZTIPS to help you manage your business projects and your staff, whether your company is big, medium or small.

Avoid taking your business with you when you play golf—your game will suffer

CHECKING YOUR work-related emails or taking business calls while golfing can prevent you from hitting that elusive eagle or birdie. Here's why.

Having dogs at work can be dangerous

THE ADVANTAGES of taking your dog to work are well known.
Without careful supervision, however, your employee's dog's visit to your office might also lead to a trip to the pet emergency hospital.


Great news! Your top workers are more likely to stay working for you

HAVE YOU been struggling to keep your workers? Have other companies been attracting them with better working conditions, higher pay and greater benefits? Relax. The situation is getting a whole lot better, according to a new study by management consultants Eagle Hill.


How to keep  your top workers from jumping ship

LET YOUR employees work at their own pace and time. The reason: Flexible work scheduling is the best way to keep and attract quality workers, judging from findings in a new survey of company CEOs.

Why you should avoid planning a detailed vacation

IF YOU WANT a true break, avoid planning your vacation in detail. Make only an overall travel plan. That's the suggestion in a new study from Breda University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.

Draw on these tips when hiring workers

Looking to hire new staff? Here are strategies you can use to find the best people. They come from a report by The Conference Board.


How to run meetings that really work

OFTEN the typical business meeting involving three or more people is a total waste of time. It's unproductive and chews up valuable time that could be spent on meaningful work.
A typical scenario is that attendees arrive late, more than 15 minutes are wasted on small talk, and pairs of people around the table hold their own private discussions.


Workers demands are changing

Workers are looking for more balance between their work and their lives. Here's what you should know to retain your best workers.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T will make a difference in your company

Treat everyone with respect, within your company and outside its doors. That’s the advice of CTI's John Laughlin.

How to build a team that works

Lesley Salmon, chief information officer at Kellogg Company, wants people to enjoy their work. In doing so, she believes, they will achieve better results for the company. In this article she reveals the keys to keeping her team engaged.

Are you failing  your workers?

Most businesses are failing to meet their worker's needs.
That's the conclusion in a new report from 2023 Kelly Global Re:work Report. Are you among them?

Empower your employees

STUDIES HAVE SHOWN that workers who have more say in the running of a company work more productively. And, as they do, they improve the bottom line, making the company more profitable overall.